======Plots====== {{parent page=RulesNarrative}} ====Types==== - Long Term Plot * This will be the main theme of a campaign, therefore the most expensive plot to modify. There can only be one plot for the campaign. - Short Term Plot * This is the main theme of a particular session in a campaign. There can only be one plot for a session. Occasionally these plots may go longer than a session. - Long Term Subplot * Any amount of subplots can exist in a campaign. They are usually closely related to your character and their personal goals and motivations. - Short Term Subplot * Individual character actions in a session can easily fall in this category. Especially if there is a goal or outcome to be achieved (such as escape from their jail cell", or "get to the scene of the crime ASAP"). These changes are the cheapest to make." ====Groupings==== A player should list in order the most important groups for their characters. How much it costs to change the plot for a group depends on how important that grouping is to the character and the other players. Naturally the most expensive plots to change will be those that effect the other players. The best way to work out what order the groups should be in for importance is to ask for your character A person from group A and a person from group B have died. Both funerals are on the same day. Which would my character attend?" ===Suggested Groupings=== Self, lover, immediate family, close family, relatives, social club, sex, religion, race, nationality, best friend, close friends, acquaintances, work mates, fellow team supporters for a sport, locality (ie hometown, apartment building, suburb, city), hobby, planet, ethnic group ====Affecting other Players==== * Directly - The other player belongs to that group. (ie the player is a workmate and the plot change is about workmates) * Indirectly - The other player belongs to a group affected by that group (ie the plot causes a sport team to be killed and the player belongs to the fans of a rival sport team) * Not Affected - No other player is affected. ====Importance==== Groups should be put in the following categories of importance - Vitally Important - Very Important - Important - Not Important - Not Relevant =====Costs===== The cost to make changes with Plot Points. " " " " " " "
Importance of the groupCost  Plot typeMultiplier  Affects PlayerMultiplier
Vital1Long Term Plotx4Directlyx1
Very2Short Term Plotx3Indirectlyx2
Important3Long Term Subplotx2Not affectedx3
Not4Short Term Subplotx1
Not Relevant5
=====Gaining and Losing Plot Points===== It should be stressed at this point that while it may seem best to put every conceivable type of group in the category of Vitally Important" to reduce the costs to change plots involving that group - it also means you have to defend every plot change that others make or you will lose plot points." ---- CategoryNarrative