The Great Houses

The Great Houses

The static, aristocratic bloodlines which have - traditionally - been seen as responsible for the structure of the Spiral Politic, the Houses can be considered the central power of the War Era universe. In fact the word “bloodline” might be misleading, as it suggests something genetic and the Houses seem to have no real genetic status at all: as the society responsible for engineering history, they perceive themselves as being parts of the historical process much more than being a people. Voyeuristic, disinterested academicians for most of their existence, the War has not only forced the Houses to embrace the “vulgar” (i.e. physical) nature of the continuum but also inspired them to commit various acts of nervous, hurried genocide. As a result, it's fair to say that history is no longer a safe place in which to live. — The Book of the War

Ruling Houses

There are currently six major Houses in the upper hierarchy and the six can easily be split into two factions. Three are purely political, their members seldom leaving the sanctuary of the Homeworld, but the other three now call themselves parts of the House Military. The six are, at present:
