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The Witchblood

Your ancestors gifted you with extra senses or extra ways to manipulate or bypass how everyone interacts with the laws of physics. Also known as Time Sensitivity or Time Awareness.

  • Examples: Tharils1), Justine McManus2), Marielle Duquesne3), Octavia Sutherland4)

Background Options

Choose one:

  • Cursed: All my life I've been cursed with the Sight
    • You default to paranoia when using you special senses. You have Advantage when you discern in combat
  • Blessed: All my life I've been blessed with the Sight
    • When calmly investigating or studying a situation outside of combat you have Advantage with discern
  • Exploited: All my life I've been exploited because of my abilities
    • Whenever you act on a result from discern you take +2 Forward
factionpbta/players/backgrounds/witchblood.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/06 06:49 by