Landkreis Havelland: Overview

This is the fiefdom of Margravine Constantia Recared and capitol of Ostmark, as of Gamedate 7th April 3250

Coat of Arms




1,717 km^2

Margravine (Markgrafin) Constantia Recared


pop. density
88 inh./km^2

Capitol of Havelland
Potsdam (POP: 40,350)
Size: 2.7 km^2 (665 acres)
Town Guards: 538



Apothecaries 14 Fishmongers 34 Priests 34
Bakers 50 Furriers 161 Pursemakers 37
Barbers 115 Glovemakers 17 Roofers 22
Bathers 21 Harness-Makers 20 Ropemakers 21
Beer-Sellers 29 Hatmakers 42 Rugmakers 20
Blacksmiths 27 Hay Merchants 18 Saddlers 40
Bleachers 19 Illuminators 10 Scabbardmakers 47
Bookbinders 13 Inns 20 Sculptors 20
Booksellers 6 Jewelers 101 Shoemakers 269
Buckle Makers 29 Lawyers/Advocates 62 Spice Merchants 29
Butchers 34 Locksmiths 21 Tailors 161
Carpenters 73 Maidservants 161 Tanners 20
Chandlers 58 Masons 81 Taverns/Restaurants 101
Chicken Butchers 40 Mercers 58 Watercarriers 47
Clergy 1009 Noble Households 202 Weavers 67
Coopers 58 Old-Clothes 101 Wine-Sellers 45
Copyists 20 Painters 27 Woodcarvers 17
Cutlers 18 Pastrycooks 81 Woodsellers 58
Doctors 24 Plasterers 29

Recared Castle

Constantia's residence in Potsdam

Major Towns in Havelland

Port towns in Havelland

Villages in Havelland
301 (total POP: 85,288)

Arable land in Havelland
64% (1,111 km^2) the rest is wilderness, rivers, lakes etc.

Livestock in Havelland
334,422 (227,406 Fowl / 107,016 Dairy and Meat)

There are approximately 4 standing fortifications in Havelland
Castles in active use : 3