======3:16 Carnage amongst the Stars====== {{parent page=GamesRpg}} ====Links==== * [[http://gregorhutton.com/boxninja/threesixteen/index.html BoxNinja]] - Publishers of the game * [[http://bullypulpitgames.com/projects/316/planets.php Random Planet Generator]] * [[http://316carnage.com/ Carnage Amongst the Web]] ====Locations==== Useful location maps for the [[http://316carnage.com/2009/10/21/campaign-rules-by-madcow/ campaign system]] by MadCow. Or if you just want a printout you can point at in play. Shamelessly stolen from various variant Diplomacy maps found on the web, and then modified in photoshop. * [[FantasyPlanets316|Fantasy Planets]] - for fantasy variants of the game (Conan, Warhammer etc) * [[Planets316|Science Fiction Planets]] - for the basic game and Starwars etc.. * [[Galaxy316|Galactic maps]] * [[DipMaps|Original maps]] - for the completists amongst you who want to try your own modifications. ====Files==== {{files}} ---- CategoryGames CategoryCampaigns Category316