====== Table 649 - Exotic Personality ====== When rolling on Table 649 - Exotic Personality roll 1D20 and compare the result to the table below. Once finished; return to the table that sent you here. ^ Roll ^ Result ^ Next Table ^ | 1-4 | Mental Affliction | 649B | | 5-7 | Phobia | 649C | | 8-10 | Allergy | 649D | | 11-17 | Behavior Tag | 649E | | 18-19 | Sexual Difference | 649F | | 20 | Several Features. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future. | 649 | On Table 649B roll 2D10. ===== Table 649B ===== ^ Roll ^ Mental Affliction ^ | 2 | Multiple Personalities - The person literally becomes someone else. 1D3 personas may manifest themselves. Roll on Table 318A - Personality Trait Types to determine the defining personality trait of each persona. | | 3 | Compulsive Lying | | 4 | Paranoia | | 5 | Hallucinations | | 6 | Catatonia | | 7 | Megalomania | | 8 | Severely Phobic | | 9 | Manic-Depressive | | 10 | Hypochondria | | 11-12 | Depression | | 13 | Hysterical Injury. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds to determine the type of injury that he or she believes they have. | | 14-15 | Obsessive Behavior. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Devotion to a Trait. Roll on Table 647 - Light Trait \\ 2 : Devotion to a Trait. Roll on Table 648 - Dark Trait \\ 3 : Obsessive Hatred. Roll on the table below. \\ * 1 : All different species \\ * 2 : A particular species \\ * 3 : Monsters \\ * 4 : An individual. Roll on Table 750 - Others to determine who. \\ 4 : Obsessive need to destroy \\ 5 : Obsessive cleaner \\ 6 : Obsessively Superstitious \\ 7 : Obsessive need to collect certain objects. Roll on the table below. \\ * 1 : Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies \\ * 2 : Gold \\ * 3 : Animals \\ * 4 : Beautiful things/people \\ 8 : Obsessive need to help others. | | 16 | Kleptomania | | 17 | Pyromania | | 18 | Hysterical Sense Loss. He or she believes that they are blind or deaf. | | 19 | Berserker Rage | | 20 | Multiple Afflictions. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future. | On Table 649C roll 2D20. ===== Table 649C ===== ^ Roll ^ Phobia ^ | 2 | Being Alone - Monophobia | | 3 | Animals - Zoophobia | | 4 | Being Buried Alive - Taphophobia | | 5 | Blood - Hematophobia | | 6 | Cats - Ailuroophobia | | 7 | Cold - Psychrophobia | | 8 | Colors - Chromophobia | | 9 | Corpses - Necrophobia | | 10 | Darkness - Achiluophobia | | 11 | Empty Rooms - Kenophobia | | 12 | Enclosed Spaces - Claustrophobia | | 13 | Females - Gynophobia | | 14 | Fire - Pyrophobia | | 15 | Flying - Aerophobia | | 16 | God - Theophobia | | 17 | Ghosts - Phasmophobia | | 18 | Graves - Barophobia | | 19 | Hair - Trichophobia | | 20 | Heights - Acrophobia | | 21 | Insects - Entomophobia | | 22 | Magic - Magiophobia | | 23 | Males - Androphobia | | 24 | Missiles - Ballistophobia | | 25 | Monstrosities - Teratophobia | | 26 | Night - Nyctophobia | | 27 | Open Spaces - Agoraphobia | | 28 | Physical Love - Erotophobia | | 29 | Poison - Toxiphobia | | 30 | Rain - Ombrophobia | | 31 | Sinning - Peccatophobia | | 32 | Slime - Blennophobia | | 33 | Snakes - Ophidophobia | | 34 | Spiders - Arachnophobia | | 35 | Storms - Astraphobia | | 36 | Trees - Dendrophobia | | 37 | Water - Hydrophobia | | 38 | Wind - Anemophobia | | 39 | Wounds or Injuries - Traumatophobia | | 40 | Multiple Phobias. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future. | On Table 649F roll 2D8. ===== Table 649F ===== ^ Roll ^ Sexual Difference ^ | 2 | Transsexualism | | 3 | Complete Disinterest | | 4 | Extreme Shyness | | 5 | Homosexuality | | 6 | Bisexuality | | 7 | Transvestitism | | 8 | Nymphomania/Satyrism | | 9 | Sadism | | 10 | Masochism | | 11 | Prude | | 12 | Voyeurism | | 13 | Fetishism. Roll on the table below. \\ 1 : Women's Clothing \\ 2 : Men's Clothing \\ 3 : Shoes \\ 4 : Hair \\ 5 : Specific Body Location \\ 6 : An Animal \\ 7 : Roll on Table 649C \\ 8 : Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies \\ 9 : Roll on Table 750 - Others \\ 10 : Roll on Table 753 - Relatives | | 14 | Necrophilia | | 15-16 | Multiple Differences. Roll 1D3+1 times on this table ignoring this result in the future. | Back to [[character creation system]] Back to [[start]]