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factionpbta:basics:grandfather [2020/08/03 22:11] (current) – created - external edit
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 +===== 06 The Grandfather=====
 +The premise of the Faction and its founding is the [[|Grandfather Paradox]] - so named for the time travel paradox of killing your own Grandfather before you were born.  Many of the rituals of the Faction involve praying to, or invoking the idea/concept of the Grandfather.  These rules will refer to the person running the game as [[..:spiralpolitic:Grandfather]] rather than GM/MC or DM.
 +That said though, feel free to also use "The Spirits" or if you prefer a gender "God Mother" or "God Father"
 +{{tag>rules basics grandfather}}
factionpbta/basics/grandfather.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/03 22:11 by