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Rollerball Expansion 1

Track Changer Cards

Corner Track Changer

Track Changers

Corner Up Corner Down

  • Number of cards in deck: 3 (x2 types: Up, Down)
  • Only playable on a corner square.
    • The T“ interection is the part of the card played on the corner square.”
  • Must be placed such that balls travelling down the card continue in a clockwise direction.
  • If the direction of all the balls is changed with a Direction Changer card, the Corner Track Changer card still takes precedence over the board (i.e. given the choice the ball will change tracks to a different ring).

Ball Changer Cards

Direction Changer Direction Changer

  • Number of cards in deck: 1
  • Unlike other cards in the game, this card is automatically destroyed when struck with a ball.
    • Move the ball onto the first space of the card.
    • Remove Direction Changer card to discards.
  • When struck with a non-energised ball that is not Up“, all balls begin moving in the opposite direction they were previously moving (ie clockwise to anticlockwise).”
    • All ball movement is regarded as simultaneous.
      • If a ball moves onto the Direction Changer with its first move for the turn, it will then move back a space. Likewise all other balls will move forward one and backward one.
      • If a ball moves onto the Direction Changer with its second move for the turn, no balls change direction until the next turn.
  • When struck with an energised ball, this diversion is destroyed before activating as normal.

Ball Killer Ball Killer

  • Number of cards in deck: 2
  • Unlike other cards in the game, this card is automatically destroyed when struck with a ball.
    • Move the ball onto the first space of the card.
    • Remove Ball Killer card to discards.
  • When struck with a non-energised ball that is not Up“, and there are more than 1 ball in play, the ball is destroyed.”
    • Remove the ball from the board.
  • When struck with an energised ball, this diversion is destroyed before activating as normal.

Misc Counters

Portal Portal

  • Number of counters in game: 2
  • In the Placing initial pieces turn of the game, the winning bid player may play a Portal counter in phase 3 Cards instead of a normal card from their hand.
    • They may play a Portal at any time in this phase if they have not passed.
    • A Portal may be played on any unoccupied space on the board including corners except on the 4 central spaces with the Rollerball logo.
  • If the Portal is played, then the player who passes last in the phase must play the second Portal counter after passing.
  • A Portal may never be destroyed by any means and it may not be replaced.
  • Workmen on a Portal counter are unaffected by any ball.
  • Workmen may not use Portals, they only affect balls that are not rubberised and Up“.”
  • If a ball moves onto a Portal counter, its next move will be to the other Portal counter.
games/board/rollerballexp1.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/21 21:31 by