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games:card:wingsofwar [2013/03/19 18:10] (current) – created - external edit
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 +======Wings of War======
 +  * Allmaneuvers.gif - overview of the cards
 +  * - biplane paper models
 +  * - images produced with my photoshop file
 +  * - some of the best biplane and triplane scenes from the [[ Red Baron movie]]
 +  * cards_psd - the photoshop file of maneuvre cards
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**Albatross D. Va** (German)"
 +Manoeuvre B
 +Guns A
 +HP 15
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**Sopwith Camel** (British)"
 +Manoeuvre C
 +Guns A
 +HP 15
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**Albatross D. Va** (German)"
 +Manoeuvre B
 +Guns A
 +HP 15
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**Fokker DR. I** (German)"
 +Manoeuvre D
 +Guns A
 +HP 13
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**Spad XIII** (Italian)"
 +Manoeuvre A
 +Guns A
 +HP 16
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**UFAG C.1** (Austrian)"
 +Manoeuvre H
 +Guns B / B
 +HP 16
 +<html><img align=left" src=""></html>**RAF R.E. 8** (Belgian)"
 +Manoeuvre K
 +Guns B / B
 +HP 13
 +  * Damage Decks
 +    *  A, C, D
 +  * Manoeuvre Decks
 +    *  A, A, B, B, C, D, H, I, J, K
 +  * Ground Cards
 +    *  2 A/5 Machine Guns
 +    *  2 B/5 Machine Guns
 +    *  3 C/5 Anti-aircraft Guns
 +    *  1 Target
 +  * Planes
 +    *  2x Albatross D. Va - B,A,15
 +    *  3x Albatross D. III - J,A,14
 +    *  3x Pfalz D. III - J,A,16
 +    *  10x Nieuport 17 - I,B,12
 +    *  Sopwith Camel - C,A,15
 +    *  Fokker DR. I - D,A,13
 +    *  Spad XIII - A,A,16
 +    *  UFAG C.1 - H,B/B,16
 +    *  RAF R.E. 8 - K,B/B,13
 +====Home Made Cards====
 +  * Damage Decks
 +    *  A, B
 +  * Manoeuvre Decks
 +    * **Megadeck** - able to make any 2 other manoeuvre decks in the game
 +  * Planes
 +    *  4x Spad VII - B,B,16
 +    *  3x SSW D. III - F,A,15
 +    *  2x Phonix D. I - J,A,14
 +    *  Spad XIII - A,A,16
 +    *  Fokker E. III - E,B,8
 +    *  Morane-Saulnier Type N MS49 - G,B,7
 +    *  Sopwith Pup - I,B,13
 +    *  Nieuport 28 - F,A,13
 +    *  Bristol F. 2b - B,B/B,16
 +    *  SE5a - B,A,15
 +[[DragonsofWar|Dragons of War]] - a concept mentioned to me by Peter Wass that could be kinda neat.
games/card/wingsofwar.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/19 18:10 by