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Struggle for a New Order

Dragonstar Rising

“Seven Swords
Seven Worlds
One Dream”

  • Motto of the Seven Worlds

“Know Only Battle”

  • Motto, Black Legion

“Swords Path Glory”

  • Motto, Red Legion

“For the Good of All”

  • Motto, Green Legion

“Duty Binds us All”

  • Motto, Blue Legion

“For an Honor Greater Than Ourselves”

  • Motto, Silver Legion

“For the Good of Our People, We Lend Ourselves to Battle”

  • Motto, Gold Legion


  • Motto, White Legion

“Any Weapon.
Any War.
Any World.”

  S-4 motto

“Blade of Peace”

  • Imperial motto

“We need not strike a single blow for the Imperium to be destroyed. It will inevitably destroy itself in time, because it is corrupt. We fight only to preserve the dream.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, First Speaker, High Senate of the Seven Worlds, 2172

“When I first saw a Dragonstar, I thought it was the end. Later, I learned that only a tactical strike team had landed. Our officers tried to down-play the raid, but the casualties and the damage did not even concern me. I was overwhelmed by the courage of the enemy.”

  • Sellas Carleton, Imperial Star Marine

“It was on the StrikeRails that I learned the power of Humanity. The technology is nothing compared to the people who wield it.”

  • Sandy Jorden, Senior Technician

“It is my great honor to seek permission for the Gold Legion to adopt the Dragonstar as its logo and mark. It is a fitting testament to the brave men and women who have fought and died by its light.”

  • Flynn, Gold Dragon, Petition before the Seven Worlds High Senate

“My name is on rack 1 of the Phoenix, below such heroes as Duncan and Morston. It is because of this that I can never know fear. I am part of a dream, and dreams never die.”

  • Lance

“The Security Doors of Starguild installations posed a major obstacle in a Dragonstar raid. The time it took us to breach a door gave the Starguild time to maneuver and respond.”

  • Nina

“It is clear that it is neither arms nor skill that identifies a Seven Swords warrior, but a special kind of focus, an obsession if you will, with nebulous concepts like virtue and honor.”

  • Gralen Hawkland, Chairman of the Imperial Special Commission on the Seven Swords, 2177

“The power of Living Steel does not lie in the hardware, but in the heart and soul of the warrior within.”

  • Dr. Harold Carmel, Senior Research Fellow, Seven Worlds, 2182

“It is our responsibility, indeed our obligation, to be merciless. Because as long as a single Seven Worlds child remains alive, the Starguild will never be safe.”

  • Gralen Hawkland, 2179

“What makes the Seven Swords such terrible enemies is that they do not fight for themselves, but to defend the rights of their people.”

  • Gralen Hawkland, 2182

“What disturbs me most is this….How could the Seven Worlds have survived so long, in the face of such odds, if their society did not have merit?”

  • Excerpt from letter of resignation of Gralen Hawkland, 2185. Hawkland was evacuated to the Seven Worlds by Phoenix Strike, during a Dragonstar raid on Caulder later that year.

“When the recall command sounded, your attention shifted from the target to that precious strip of ground that was the Landing Zone. The hardest part was waiting in the LZ, hoping that the missing team members would make it.”

  • Warren

“I will carry the memory of my first day on the Rail forever. My equipment rack carried the names of those who had served before me….I cannot describe the honor that I felt, knowing my name had been placed among theirs.”

  • Lance

“The Dragoncrests were cutting us up bad until Rodrigo drew his sword. The firing stopped immediately, and one of them came out to meet him. While the two of them fought, the rest of us were able to withdraw.”

  • Sgt. Shustec

“Listen Philip. If you want to keep the Dragoncrests away from this installation, pack your boys over to that hill and dig in. Fortifying here is just going to guarantee that they will be stomping all over this place.”

  • Tess

“Nobody spent much time around the equipment room during the long missions. The empty racks and closed lockers were nothing but reminders of those of us who had made the ultimate sacrifice.”

  • Derek

“No longer will the powers of Technology run wild, to imperil all our lives. No longer will the spectre of war and nuclear annihilation haunt us. From this day forward, the power of the Starguild will preserve and protect all Humanity.”

  • Mark Heisson, at the signing of the Starguild Conventions, 2065

“Council Motion 224: Starguild Council Authority over all printed material. 31 in favor, 9 opposed. Motion carried.”

  • Motion in Starguild Council, 2099

“Council Motion 322: Creation of Imperial Secret Service. 34 in favor, 6 opposed. Motion carried.”

  • Motion in Starguild Council, 2104

“Council Motion 706: Removal of Bondsmen right to petition. 39 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion carried.”

  • Motion in Starguild Council, 2108

“Council Motion 1876: Establishment of permanent hereditary caste status for Bondsmen. Motion carried unanimously.”

  • Motion in Starguild Council, 2111

“On those extended missions into Guild territory, it was the Greens that held us together. With them as the core, we were always solid, no matter how bad it got.”

  • Flynn

“I do not yield to tyranny, nor will I ever abandon the dream of my family. There can be no surrender.”

  • Callistor Hryken, Response to Starguild order to surrender, 2165

“Vladimir stood looking out over the Landing Zone. The troops though he was planning the campaign, but I knew him better than that. On the eve of the battle, his mind was always filled with visions of the casualty reports he would be reviewing in the days to come.”

  • Trent

“With each day that we endure, the dream becomes more firmly established. In 20 years, it will be so powerful that no army and no empire could ever destroy it. You must help me to guarantee that the dream receives those years.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, Excerpt, her acceptance speech on election to the post of First Speaker, 2172.

“Despite the odds, despite what the future seems to hold, I remain confident that we will somehow triumph. Because I can die, and warriors can die, and even planets can die…but the Dream? The Dream can never die.”

  • Jonathan Hryken, Journal entry, 2167

“When I was stationed on the Delivery Rail, the days after the raid were always a nightmare. You have to wait for the drives to regenerate before breaking communications silence…and that means it is days before you know the status of your Team and the Pickup Rail.”

  • Quint, Tactical Security Team

“I was stationed on the Pickup Rail…. As we came in you could see the Dragonstar towering over the planet. And every second, I prayed the equipment I serviced and repaired would hold up.”

  • Sandy Jorden, Senior Technician

“The Imperial Space Artillery Section is in no way a violation of the Articles of War. The rebels of the Seven Worlds are traitors, and therefore beyond the protections of the Conventions.”

  • Matt Heisson

“With the power of the Dragonstar, the Seven Worlds could have crippled the Starguild. It did not because it realized the futility of such a war. When the Starguild authorized the building of the Space Artillery Section, I realized where my feelings lay. Mt opposition to the Seven Worlds was always based on fear, yet my greatest fear now is the thought of the Imperium with the power the Seven Worlds possesses.”

  • Gralen Hawkland, 2185

“An attempt to conquer the Starguild would be folly. This war can only be considered a victory for us if the rest of Humanity willingly joins us in our pursuit of the Dream.”

  • Callistor Hryken

“You will find me as unbending as my brother. I am, and remain proudly, the leader of the Seven Worlds. We do not bow to tyrants.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, Response to Starguild order to surrender, 2179

“I gave you my answer on the day you began this war. That answer will never change, and your Regiments, your fleets, and your threats mean nothing to me.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, Response to Starguild order to surrender, shortly before the Battle of Getra in 2180.

“After Imperial forces bombed the civilian targets on Alpha, our unit refused to be stationed within the premises of Starguild Holdings. We felt the Seven Worlds would surely us its Dragonstars to retaliate in kind. When their raids continued delivering tactical teams, we finally understood the nature of the 'enemy'. It was then we began our exodus to the Seven Worlds.”

  • Tomas Vasker, Skyhawk Martial House, 2185

“No. Not now, not ever.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, Response to Starguild offer to negotiate terms, shortly after the Battle of Getra in 2180.

“Oh, be serious.”

  • Gabrielle Hryken, Response to Starguild order to surrender, 2183

“Though I am an old man and weary of war, I find myself longing for battle. Do not ask me to sit quietly in the Halls of the Senate while the Imperium wages war on children and non-combatants.”

  • Callistor Hryken

Following the bombardment of Alpha, he resumed full military rank and rejoined the command staff of the Seven Legions.
“The Seven Worlds system was discovered using stolen Starguild craft, and colonized by Starguild citizens in flight from Imperial justice. this obviously gives the Imperium clear and present title to the Seven Worlds. They are rebels and nothing more.”

  • Matt Heisson

“The greatest heroes of modern warfare are the medics of RQ Services. They repeatedly lay their lives on the line to attend the wounded on countless battlefields, for no personal gain. Their selfless devotion to the saving of lives embodies the true spirit of Humanity.”

  • Duncan
roleplaying/hero/ls/sno_dragonstar_rising.txt · Last modified: 2006/06/14 02:03 by