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 +======Roleplaying Games======
 +[[art:computer:RoleplayingBlurbs]] - Advertising art created for roleplaying convention games.
 +[[|NPC Personality Generator]] - using the Catholic list of sins and virtues \\
 +[[PlotGenerator]] - using regular playing cards to unblock writer's/GM's block \\
 +[[CharacterGenerator]] - node based hierarchical dynamic random generator \\
 +[[VillageSimulator]] - How would you roleplay Cadfael's Shrewsbury? \\
 +[[Harn]] - Harn related resources.  
 +==== Current ====
 +  * [[5e]] - things for Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition
 +==== Older ====
 +  * [[.:D6StarWars:start]] WEG Starwars 
 +  * [[.:ScumAndVillainy:start|Scum and Villainy]] - scifi Blades in the Dark
 +  * [[.:Alien:start|Alien]] - a survival horror scifi game based on the franchise by the folk that made Tales from the Loop and Forbidden Lands.
 +  * [[|Impulse Drive]] on Tavern-Keeper
 +    * [[|Website]]
 +  * [[.:FL:start|Forbidden Lands]] - an OSR by the folk that made Tales from the Loop and the new Alien game.
 +  * [[.:Cyberpunk:start|Tales from Night City]] - a homebrew of Cyberpunk 2020 and Blades in the Dark run on Roll20 and Discord
 +  * [[.:Companions:start|Companions]] 
 +  * [[.:ID:start|Impulse Drive]] 
 +    * [[|Impulse Drive]]
 +  * [[.:dw:start|Dungeon World]]
 +  * [[roleplaying:bitd:start|Blades in the Dark]] (v6)
 +  * FATE
 +    * [[.:starblazer:start|Starblazer FATE campaign]]
 +    * [[.:spirit:start|Spirit of the Century FATE campaign]]
 +  * [[.:dwaitas:start|Doctor Who: Adventure in Time and Space]] 
 +  * [[.:hero:firefly_hero:start]] campaign
 +  * [[.:grandstair:start|Lords of Gossamer and Shadow]] Diceless Role-Playing (Kickstarter) rules and ideas
 +    * [[.:logas:start|Rogues and Vagabonds]] Lords of Gossamer and Shadow (play by Google Doc)
 +  * [[.:airship:start|Airship Pirates Victoriana campaign]]
 +  * [[.:london:start]] - Unhallowed Metropolis
 +  * [[.:hero:start|HeroWiki]] - Hero System wiki
 +  * [[CampaignCthulhu]]- Call of Cthulhu campaigns
 +  * [[Campaign316Carnage]] - 3:16 Carnage amongst the Stars.  Useful files and things
 +  * [[CampaignJudgeDredd]] - Torben's Judge Dredd D20 campaign
 +  * [[CampaignMetascape]] - Andrew's Metascape space opera campaign
 +  * [[CampaignMontour]] - Nathan's early medieval fantasy campaign
 +  * [[CampaignParanoia]] - My new Paranoia XP campaign
 +  * [[.:campaign:nfl:start|Newton's First Law]] - A Star Hero science fiction campaign based on lots of stuff
 +  * **Western Shores** A Fantasy Hero campaign world based on the setting provided in the main rulebook
 +    * [[.:hero:ws|Overview of the versions]] 
 +    * [[.:ws:start|Western Shores]] (FATE version unfinished)
 +    * [[.:hero:ws:index|My current Wiki version]] 
 +    * [[|the old pages]] 
 +  * [[CampaignCyberpunk|Mike's Cyberpunk Game]]
 +==== Storytelling====
 +  * [[.:munchausen:start|Munchausen Wiki]] - including PBeM and wiki rules for Baron Munchausen
 +  * [[.:universalis:start]] - Wiki version of the storytelling game.
 +  * [[.:if:SimonVJack|Simon versus Jack the Ripper]] - Simon the Technomage goes back in time to a steampunk Victorian age  --- //[[|Peter Cobcroft]] 13/03/2006 14:31//
 +  * [[CharacterSlippery]] - My teenager from Mike's current Cyberpunk game
 +  *  [[CharacterFrederick]] - My Aedelphi character. AD&D 2E
 +  *  [[CharacterTrevor]] - The Amazing Trevor, Master of the Unseen (TATMOTU). My Masque of the Red Death character. AD&D 2E
 +  *  [[CharacterGrappler]] - Cop/Media of notorious fame. Able to talk his way into or out of trouble. Cyberpunk
 +  *  [[CharacterGustaf]] - Mad Scientist, never used. Falkenstein
 +  *  [[CharacterEzekial]] - A Jewish Doctor from a Constantinople campaign that didn't start.  D20-ish
 +  *  [[|Sir Miles Furmenglaive]] [[CharacterMiles|(when he was 4th level)]] - A Squire in a low fantasy medieval campaign.  D20-ish
 +  *  [[CharacterTen]] - Sociopathic D20 fantasy character - chose rogue as it's the closest D20 gets to a believable class
 +  * **Faction Paradox**
 +    * [[factionpbta:powered_by_the_paradox]] - PbtA Faction rules
 +    * [[RulesFactionParadox|Faction Paradox]] - Initially a mirror of the website which is no longer available.  Currently it consists of notes for the Amber Diceless rules.  It will be expanded into the Cubicle 7 system - Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
 +    * [[factiondw]]
 +  * [[Metascape]] - A mirror of the rules and files from the [[|Mental Winds]] website
 +  * [[RulesHTHAM|How to Host a Murder]] - A scripted narrative game with some roleplaying in the murder mystery genre.  Or possibly an excuse to dress up for a dinner party :)
 +  * [[RulesVersailles| Versailles]] - My RPG in 2 weeks entry to [[|Game Chef]].  Centred on the court life in a palace.
 +  * [[RulesFudgescape|Fudgescape]] - My attempt at converting Farscape to be playble with the Fudge roleplaying system.
 +  * [[RulesNarrative|Narrative]] - My attempt at creating some primarily narrative roleplaying rules inspired by Theatrix, Fudge, Hero and all the good bits I've seen in other roleplaying games.
 +  * [[Capes]] - Modifications and clarifications for the Muse of Fire game, Capes
 +  * [[D20Stuff]] - New rules, classes etc.
 +  * [[WargroundsCanberra:start]] - Useful stuff
 +  * [[HundredSwords:start]] - The Hundred Swords LARP, v2 - Now with added roleplaying
 +    * [[|Discussion Forum]]
 +  * [[TranscriptGideon]] - The compilation of my character in Mike's Dawn of Amber game First Light"which was play-by-post (on a message board).
 +  * [[TranscriptMasque]] - The transcript of a PBEM game based on TSR's campaign setting (Their version of Cthulhu by Gaslight).
 +  * [[TranscriptSephiroth]] - The transcripts and other files of a PBEM game I ran set in the Western Shores, using FUDGE (although I didn't end up using any dice) roughly based around the Tree of LIfe and the ten Sephiroth.