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Stardock Omega 31: New Counters

Created by Nytecode

Female Human

Female Humans (300 DPI)

Alternate Bots

R2D2 Bot* (300 DPI) Dalek Bot (300 DPI)
Dalek image courtesy of

Extra Gear Counters

Gear (72 DPI)

Tentac Ship Counter

Tentac Ship (600 DPI)

Telechute Counters (Equipment as found in Pax Galacticum)

Telechute Counters (300 DPI)

Here are some other female counters, a Ninja, and a meaner bug.

Danger Girl Danger Girl 2 Ninja Arachnid Marvin

Some Star Wars Counters

Battle Droid Clone Trooper Droid Destroyer Super Battle Droid Snow Trooper Storm Trooper

Some Battlestar Galactica counters

Original series Cylon Cylon


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games/board/battlestations/battlestationsnewcounters.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/17 00:11 by